A New Dev Begins!

It’s been far too long since I’ve updated my blog, and admittedly, I got wayyyy too caught up in doing work, which pretty much left know time to write about it!

Luckily, as of yesterday 9/6/2020, I’ve hit a huge milestone that’ll allow me some down time, a word that I’ve pretty much forgotten the meaning of since beginning my new game project back in February!

I started this blog to kick off my journey to learn coding, but the truth is, I’ve already finished the courses and since then created a game that I’ve already started pitching as a lead programmer (more on that soon!).

So this blog will slowly transform into my journey to get a second game on the shelves, and to attain a higher level of success and reputation as a developer going forward!

For now I need to take some time to rest my brain and get cracking on another side project in the near future! What can I say? I’m a workaholic!


What’s new nearly a year later?


A New Year on the Horizon